Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm baaaaaaaack!

I'm about to start hitting this over the head again ! Keep on the outlook!

Monday, January 30, 2012

No Excuses! 30 Days of Dedication!

I am starting my new diet work out plan today. My new mantra...No Excuses! Shortly after starting  my blog we were in the hospital with my fiances mom. I have been sick, kids sick, no motivation...you name it. Well, today the excuses stop. I am going to give myself the entire month of February to try and do this right. I know I have it in me and I know I have the determination, now I have to make sure I have the self restraint! I'll be posting details and measurements shortly.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!

Well, I took some time off from blogging for a bit due to family health issues but I am back now. What would be better than making some resolutions for 2012? Making them on January 3rd!! That is the day our vacation is over so I will begin blogging again soon. :) Take care!