Monday, December 5, 2011

Back on it!

Ok, so around here we tend to not let go of holidays very easily. We decided to take an extra week off for Thanksgiving and it was amazing! I was not pressing myself to exercise much but I was making sure to eat sensibly though. Either way I weighed in this morning at 199 so that is great! I know I was lower a bit before but at least I stayed under 200lbs right?! I'll hang my head on that for now. Well, I have a case of the Monday (wink office space) but my Mondays are GREAT! I am a freak of nature because I actually enjoy that day. Obviously I love me some Fridays too but Mondays are always great for my lets start over sentiment. :) So This morning I started my day with a slim fast and more healthy eating to follow. My plan is to switch it up a bit so try and trick my body into losing some weight. I am starting my Slim in 6 tape again with cardio and some strength training on the said where I can fit it in. Ok, here we go! :)

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