Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The woman in the mirror

I can not believe it has been an entire year since my last birthday. Time has gone so fast and I have done so many things. Over the course of the last year I have moved to a new state, changed my degree in school and cut off all communication with toxic people from my members included. I'v had ups and downs and I have even hit pretty close to bottom a couple times but I am back and feeling great. In 2010 I weighed in at 250lbs. I had two girls (darling) in about 2 years and just let myself go. I didn't care, why exercise and try to look great if I was feeling like crap?! One day I looked in the mirror and I didn't even know who was there. I was sad, depressed, overweight and really slipping into a serious funk. I decided at that moment I wasn't going to lose weight and try to feel great for my kids or my man (even though they are included in my motivation) I had to do this for me! Only I could make myself move, only I could make myself eat right and only I could tell myself to put down the dang cookies! Since that day and lots of trials and plateaus I have managed to get myself to under 200lbs. I have been right at the 200lbs mark for a couple months and have not been able to lose anything. Just recently I lost a couple lbs and I am hoping to see a new number on my birthday (official weigh in for my new goals). I feel great and each day I am feeling better. Cleansing myself of toxins (people and food!) I have allowed places to open within me just waiting to be filled with positive amazing things. This is why I am here, not only will I spend time on my journey to 30 getting myself in shape and looking great but I plan to help others along the way and somehow find a way to change other people's lives as often as I can. Here I am, go me! I'm off to great places, I'm off and away!

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