Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A little about us

 My family is one of the main reasons I get up every day to do what I do. I want to be able to run around and play with my kiddos on the playground. I want to be able to do things with my family I was not always able to do because of my weight gain. I want to not just be told but feel my man checking me out because I am looking good. My family rocks and I love every minute I have on this Earth with them. First and foremost there is Daddy. He is the man of my dreams and the love of my life (so cliche huh?) My oldest Daughter is C. She is 4 and always moving. Dancing, running and jumping every where she goes. She has a passion for life that will take her far in life. Our little one is L, a total cuddle bug and is always by her sister. She loves animals and loves being silly. My family is amazing and I want the world to know how great they are. We have our moments where things get tough but it never breaks us, it makes us stronger. I pray God allows me to portray an attitude of gratitude that my daughters can carry with them through life. No matter who you are or where you are from you can be something and do anything! Self esteem and perseverance can take you many places. Be a powerful woman and change the world.



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