Sunday, November 20, 2011

Still trying to lose weight!

I have not been losing much weight lately but I have lost quite a few inches so that is good. I hope this week to lose even more lbs and hit below 195 at some point. I know Thanksgiving is this week so that will be a challenge but other than that I should be good (except for a few daiquiris in Louisiana! lol). Anyway, I hope to sit down adn actually plan a bit of exercise routines sometime this week. So that is a major goal for me right now, staying consistent! Until then...cya!

Monday, November 14, 2011

First Run of the "new year"

I went on a quick run this afternoon. I actually walked for part of it but I just wanted to get my body moving and back at it. I cleaned house all morning so it was a miracle that I even went at all. But I have to add, it felt great! It was not a bad run at all and I did some quick resistance training in the park too. I weighed in this morning at 197lbs but I can not complain because I have not exercised all weekend and I drank and had some snacks too on top of all of that I am totally "retaining water" if you know what I mean so I know I will be lower in weight soon enough. In all, not a bad day :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


It is 11-12-11. The day after my birthday! I did not go on my 11 mile run yet but to be honest...I have been having The BEST birthday weekend ever so how could I leave?! LSU won their game tonight and I have a nice DRANK in front of me...I'm feeling good! I'll be back on it shortly, why not take some time and celebrate ME?! :) Have a nice weekend, I'll see you soon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Taking today off!

The only exercise I'll be getting today is shopping at the mall and walking back to the car! I am taking today as my rest day because tomorrow I plan to run longer than I ever have in my entire life. I am going on an 11 mile run in the morning in honor of 11-11-11, my birthday and Veteran's Day! I am so excited, I know I can do this. As soon as I get home I am going to register for the Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon in New Orleans. it should be a great time! Whew...1 miles. I can't believe I am going to do this. It should feel great!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A little about us

 My family is one of the main reasons I get up every day to do what I do. I want to be able to run around and play with my kiddos on the playground. I want to be able to do things with my family I was not always able to do because of my weight gain. I want to not just be told but feel my man checking me out because I am looking good. My family rocks and I love every minute I have on this Earth with them. First and foremost there is Daddy. He is the man of my dreams and the love of my life (so cliche huh?) My oldest Daughter is C. She is 4 and always moving. Dancing, running and jumping every where she goes. She has a passion for life that will take her far in life. Our little one is L, a total cuddle bug and is always by her sister. She loves animals and loves being silly. My family is amazing and I want the world to know how great they are. We have our moments where things get tough but it never breaks us, it makes us stronger. I pray God allows me to portray an attitude of gratitude that my daughters can carry with them through life. No matter who you are or where you are from you can be something and do anything! Self esteem and perseverance can take you many places. Be a powerful woman and change the world.



Marine Corps Ball Tomorrow!

     I am so excited to go to the ball tomorrow! I am headed out to drop my oldest at school in the morning and then some time after 10:00 I'm headed to Dillards to see if they have any new dresses in to exchange for. I am happy with what I have but hey, why not? I might as well check it out. I am doing my own hair and make up so I hope that comes out nice. I am kind of nervous but I think this weekend will be awesome! Of course I am going to take tons of pictures. I just want to look and feel amazing!

The woman in the mirror

I can not believe it has been an entire year since my last birthday. Time has gone so fast and I have done so many things. Over the course of the last year I have moved to a new state, changed my degree in school and cut off all communication with toxic people from my members included. I'v had ups and downs and I have even hit pretty close to bottom a couple times but I am back and feeling great. In 2010 I weighed in at 250lbs. I had two girls (darling) in about 2 years and just let myself go. I didn't care, why exercise and try to look great if I was feeling like crap?! One day I looked in the mirror and I didn't even know who was there. I was sad, depressed, overweight and really slipping into a serious funk. I decided at that moment I wasn't going to lose weight and try to feel great for my kids or my man (even though they are included in my motivation) I had to do this for me! Only I could make myself move, only I could make myself eat right and only I could tell myself to put down the dang cookies! Since that day and lots of trials and plateaus I have managed to get myself to under 200lbs. I have been right at the 200lbs mark for a couple months and have not been able to lose anything. Just recently I lost a couple lbs and I am hoping to see a new number on my birthday (official weigh in for my new goals). I feel great and each day I am feeling better. Cleansing myself of toxins (people and food!) I have allowed places to open within me just waiting to be filled with positive amazing things. This is why I am here, not only will I spend time on my journey to 30 getting myself in shape and looking great but I plan to help others along the way and somehow find a way to change other people's lives as often as I can. Here I am, go me! I'm off to great places, I'm off and away!